Day 11: Inviting God Into Your Health

You’re sticking with your goals for the third week in a row. Congrats! Even if you’ve fallen off the wagon for a day or two, it takes a lot to get back on and stick with it.

This week we’re going to help you with some essentials: health, finances, and family. We’ll start today with health. When you’re not healthy, it’s hard to think about setting or achieving a goal. Instead, it feels like you’re constantly living in survival mode.

Ultimately, we know God is our healer. But through science, nutrition, and Scripture, He’s given us some practical wisdom to help keep us as healthy as possible in a broken world.

Watch Callie Blount. She’ll show you how to eat healthy without extreme dieting.

“You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 (NLT)

Easy Action Steps:
1. Think about the food you buy on a regular basis.
2. What items could you replace with something healthier?
3. Make a grocery list with one item that’s healthier than what you’d normally buy.

Extra Credit: If you loved Callie’s video, find more of her videos here

What’s Coming Next:
We’re going to talk about inviting God into your finances.


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