Listen to the Perfect Playlist for Your Work Day From Josh Garrels

Whether you work in a cubicle, a factory, or on a laptop in a coffee shop, I know it’s hard to find the right soundtrack for work. How do I know? For the last two years, I’ve tried and failed to unearth the perfect work playlist for my earbuds… until this week.

Daily, I’m fire-hosed by an endless supply of new playlist possibilities through Spotify, Youtube, and WAY-FM. I’ve tried Instrumental Study on Spotify. Too boring. I’ve given Instrumental Hymns a shot. Too cheesy. I’ve tried radio, the Top Christian playlist, and lots of random Top 50 playlists. Too lyrical! I can’t concentrate on my work.

I admit it. I’m a straight up man diva with work music. Pop songs distract me. Instrumental music bores me. And ethereal artists like Bon Iver weigh me down with their overly depressing vibe.

In other words, I need hopeful and artistically interesting music with beautiful, yet non-distracting lyrics and vocals. As I read the previous sentence, I realize I’m a lot like that customer at Starbucks who rattles off an obnoxiously detailed order.

Here’s the good news! I found the perfect playlist. It checks every box in my long list of requirements. And the cool part? It’s not even a playlist. It’s an album.

If you throw in your earbuds or airpods to escape distracting conversation, this album was made for you. If you can’t concentrate on your work with the radio or pop music playing, this album was made for you. And If you’re bored by old or synthy elevator music, this album was definitely made for you.

Listen to Josh Garrels and his brilliant new album ChrysalineHis mix of ethereal vocals and scriptural lyrics paint a hopeful texture over an already picturesque sonic landscape. Most playlists or albums can steer you quickly through about 15 minutes of productivity. Chrysaline will inspire you to take the scenic route and help you cover a lot of workday mileage in the process.

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